As we wrap up another very successful EIR program year we want to do something special.
We all know it been….well, a hard year.
Dealing with a global pandemic is one thing.
Stepping up to volunteer while dealing with a global pandemic deserves alllll the applause!
We say it all the time, but our engineer volunteers are T.H.E. best!
This year we’re inviting our community of passionate volunteers to join us for a celebration!
Event speakers…
You’ll hear from the founder of the EIR program – George Comrie AND EoT founder – Erica Lee Garcia.
You’ll get to network with other volunteers…
Chat about best practices…
Exchange ideas for lessons…
Learn about an amazing *NEW* volunteer tool…
Hear from EIR Advisory board members…
Learn about the EIR Chapter Leader program…
Experience a mock lesson…
Oh, and there’ll be awards too!
This event is all about you…find others that share your passion for engineering!
Of course this is all being done virtually….but we’ve got some tricks our sleeve to make it MORE interactive than any online event you’ve been to before!
And guess what…..EVERYONE’s invited!
…EIR volunteers
…new volunteer applicants
…EoT alumni
…really anyone with a connection to the EIR program
You’re all invited!
Here’s the who/what/when/where that by now you’re wondering about..