Here’s some insight into what we’ve got planned for 2021…
Exciting new partnership with Engineers Canada to launch the Future City Experience across Canada!
The Future City Experience is a flexible (and virtual-friendly!) option for teachers that are interested in the Future City program. Our goal is to support more teachers and help students experience engineering in exciting new ways. Find out more at
End of year recognition event for EIR program volunteers.
We can’t say enough about our amazing engineer volunteers. The EIR program would not be possible with them! This year, we’re doing something extra special to say “Thank-you”! We’re planning a fun end-of-the-year event to recognize them for all their hard work.
If you’d like to help make this event extra special contact us for event sponsorship options.
HER Power council support
Our friends at Build a Dream continue to expose more young women to STEM careers, providing education and awareness. We’ve joined them in this effort as part of the HER Power Council. If you’re interested in finding out more about Build a Dream events or other ways you can support their work visit
Developing relationships with new sponsors
We recently welcomed TWO new sponsors to the EoT family! Smith + Andersen and Queen’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. We’re excited to partner with these thought leaders and amplify their engineering stories.
For sponsorship options visit
Continuing in 2021….
Monthly Lunch and Learns
These free monthly events are a way for us to connect with you and share better stories about engineering.
RSVP to our upcoming event today!
Supporting teachers
We are committed to supporting teachers by providing them with an engineer for the year to help bring the STEM curriculum to life!
To find out more visit
2021 volunteer recruitment
If you’re an engineer and interested in telling better stories about engineering to K-12 students we want to know!
Recruitement for the 2021 EIR program opens in April. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you’ll be the first to know.