You may have heard us say that our mission is to inspire the next generation of problem solvers and game changers.
But, what does that LOOK like?
How (and WHAT) do we track to see how we are measuring up?
Let’s first talk about the WHAT…
What does success look like?
A diverse (more balanced and representative) population of kids choosing a STEM profession…
A more STEM literate general public…
Volunteers becoming STEM ambassadors…
STEM companies investments in the education system…
So, how do we know we are on the right track?
This is a hot topic right now.
We can measure some basics – like how many students we reach, and how many volunteers participate.
That, obviously, doesn’t tell the whole story – and it can be tough to credit one STEM intervention (like an EIR experience) with, for example, a student’s decision to pursue a STEM career years in the future.
That said, our EoT STEM outreach methods, training and interventions are carefully designed and supported by cutting edge research to promote inclusive STEM experiences.
We’d love to hear what metrics you are tracking? What are the important markers that you’d like to see?