Explaining what we do at EoT is tough.
We tend to generalize our work as “STEM outreach”.
The better question is HOW we do STEM outreach. And WHY we do things the way we do.
It’s important to us that our partners/volunteers/community members feel CONNECTED.
To us. To our programs. To the results.
Oh, and BTW….we want to be CONNECTED to you too!
Listen to what YOU have to say.
And learn how we can HELP YOU.
Looking for a way to spend your “community outreach” budget that delivers the BEST ROI?
Our programs are powered by VOLUNTEERS…which keeps admin costs down, so almost 100% of sponsor $$ go DIRECTLY into the program.
Want to feel more connected to your “engineering identity”?
STEM outreach can do that.
Want to join a community of like-minded, passionate volunteers?
Hello….we’ve got hundreds of them!
Want to INSPIRE the next generation of problem solvers and game changers?
We’ll hook you up!
Want to invest in yourself? Brush up on some leadership & communication skills?
There’s nothing quite like explaining complex concepts to a group of excited kids to keep you on your toes….lol!
See. It’s MUCH more than just “STEM outreach”.
What’s next? Let’s connect!
How do you like to “digest” content?
We’ve done our best to diversify our communications to meet YOUR needs. Pick the one that’s best for you!
- Follow us on Instagram (@EngineersofTomorrow)
- Join the conversation on LinkedIn – connect with our CEO, Rebecca White, or follow our page.
- Only have a few seconds to say HI! Find our highlights on Twitter (@EngofTom).
- Spend some time browsing through all the FREE content we share. It’s all up on our YouTube Channel.
- Read more about what we do, and do some snooping around….we don’t mind 🙂 Visit EngineersofTomorrow.ca
- Or, get updates right to your inbox – subscribe to our newsletter (promise we won’t spam you!).
About us
Engineers of Tomorrow is a nationally incorporated not-for-profit organization. Our vision is that one day every Canadian – regardless of gender, ethnicity, orientation, religion, ability or thinking style – understands the power of engineering to unlock and shape positive societal change.